Hynek Gross

(1859 - 1945) archivář

Karel Tannich, Hynek Gross, Vladimír Hašek, group photo After finishing his studies of history and geography on the philosophical faculty of the Prague university, he began his work in the Schwarzenberg Archives in Třeboň in 1888. In 1891 - 1892 he worked in the Central Schwarzenberg Archives in Vienna, then moved with the archives in 1892 to Český Krumlov where he was director from 1912 to 1932. Hynek Gross was a member of the Royal Czech Society of Science from 1910, and in 1931 he was appointed archival councillor. In his scientific works are perceptible patriotic feelings - he concentrated on a written excerpt from the 14th - 16th centuries in the Czech language that had been collected in the archives in Český Krumlov. A summary of his very extensive publishing activity was given by František Navrátil in a book "Summary of the work of archival councillor Hynek Gross" ("Soupis prací archivního rady Hynka Grosse"), The South Bohemia Historical Memorial Volume, 28, 1959, p. 141 - 149.
