Wilhelm Fischer
(1894 - 1979 ) | painter |
Wilhelm Fisher was born in
Kraslice where he spent his school years and later went to Prague
to study at the art-industrial school. In 1914 he left to fight at
the front, first to Karpary and later to Italy, where he was
wounded. When he finished the Prague Academy in 1922 he came to
Český Krumlov. He lived there through the 20\'s and 40\'s and
painted "Pictures from Český Krumlov and the Šumava Hills" ("Obrazy
z Českého Krumlova a Šumavy"). In the 30\'s he also worked on a
restoration project on repairs of church plastics. At the same time
a few of Fischer´s Český Krumlov and Šumava Hills motives were
issued on coloured postcards. In 1944 Fischer was called to the
front again, to the Navy anti-aircraft artillery on the west front.
He was seized and set free from British captivity in 1948. He and
his family, like most German speakers, were expelled from Krumlov
in 1945 and he went to Wolfhagen in Hessen. In the summer of 1979
Fischer and his friend came to visit Český Krumlov and a few other
places in Šumava Hills. Several months later, on 10 October 1979,
Wilhelm Fischer died.