Rooseveltova No. 33

Rooseveltova No. 33

Description of the Building:
Two-storey modern building with a second floor attic and brizolit coat. All premises have flat ceilings.

Architectural and Historical Development:
Origin of the building is from the 16th century. Present appearance of the building is a result of a radical adaptation from 1929. Not a very creative building.

History of the House Residents:
In the middle of the 16th century, a Klíma lived in the house. In 1569, a colourman, Vilibald Treil took over ownership of the house. At the end of the 16th century, the house belonged to Kristýna, Vilibald's widow. Vilibald and Kristýna had two daughters, Mariana and Barbora. In 1594 Mariana married a colourman, Lorenc Kunig, from Švábsko. Barbora married sooner and at the beginning of 1590's gave birth to two children at her father's house. In 1598 Kristýna (mother) wrote her last will and apparently died shortly afterwards. In 1609, the ownership of the house was transferred to a weaver, Ondřej Wess. From 1624 a tailor, Petr Müllner resided there. In 1633 he was still alleged to be the owner of the house and apparently after he died Dorota Müllnerová took over the ownership of the house. It is possible that the house was for some time uninhabited. In 1661, a princely smelter, Václav Toman appeared in the house. From 1673 - 1713, Helena Pauknerová resided there. For most of the 18th century the house belonged to the Bayer family. In 1788 , the draper guild bought the house, with a garden, from Josef Bayer for 690 goldens.

Present Use:
Druggists - HDB