Náměstí Svornosti No. 10

Description of the Building :
This one story building has an early-Baroque gable wall that
conceals the steep pitched roof which is covered with terra-cotta
pantiles. This gable is filled with Classical decorative elements
and has got the emblem of the Rosemberg family, five-petalled rose
at the top of the gable. At the ground floor level of the facade,
there are two pointed arches that mark the entrance into the cross
vaulted arcade. In the barrel-vaulted hallway in the interior of
the ground floor there are Renaissance decorative stucco squares
along the sides of the walls that have pointed arched niches. The
rooms on the first floors have all got flat ceilings The rafters of
the building date from the Renaissance period. The cellars are
constructed of stone barrel vaults. In the courtyard, on the edge
of buildings no. 9 and 10, original ground floor construction and
an old well remain.
Architectural and Historical Development
The original building is Gothic and has a front arcade that dates
to around the year 1510. The building underwent a Renaissance
renovation project in the mid-17th century, when the present-day
front facade was executed. The most recent renovation project took
place in 1988 when the arcade was rebuilt and the decorative
appearance of the facade which contains Gothic, Renaissance and
early-Baroque elements, was made more harmonious.
Significant Architectural Features :
Gable on the main facade
History of the House Residents :
In the year 1424 the owner of the building was a man named Fišar.
After Jan Pemrlov and Matyáš Puklik the building belonged to Václav
and Voršila Haluznovi from 1500. When Václav, who was a town
council memeber, died in 1521, his wife Voršila sold the building
to Jan Flackrab with the condition that she could stay in the
building until her death. She died in 1540 and according to
Voršila´s will, she produced three large and two small silver
goblets, pieces of silver, silver belt buckles and other
ostentatious silver goods for the parish
St. Vitus Church. After the Flackrab family, the ownership of
the building was in the hands of Stanislav - Štancl Plankl. After
he died, the building was acquired in 1569 by Filip Svérazský. In
1650 the building was taken over by the Eggenberg´s master clerk
Martin Zahořanský, who brewed and served beer in this building,
among other activities.
Present Use :
Zlatý anděl