Latrán No. 93 and No. 94, V
Latrán No. 93 and No. 94, V jámě
Description of the Building:
One story village houses covered with sheet metal and cardboard. It
is likely that the houses were built during Classicism on the sites
of older structures.
History of the House Residents:
During the first half of the seventeenth century, the house No. 93
was owned by Šimon Petersamb, followed in 1652 by Valentin
Scheiderbauer. The city apothecary František Alois Magg lived here
from 1726 to 1728. . No information is available about other
owners. Around 1650, the house No. 94 was owned by Mikuláš Bischof
and then in 1665 by Michal Ekl. Many people lived in the house
after that, but there is no detailed information about them.
Present Use:
Residential houses.