Hradební No. 60

Hradební no. 60, architectural details Location:
Hradební No. 60

Description of the Building:
A one-storey house with a Classical front, articulated by lisenas and roughly plastered moulded window frames. An extensive layout of the ground floor is vaulted with barrel vaults with sectors. The upper floor has flat ceilings, only the staircase landings are vaulted. The building is situated on a slope and the cellars in the direction of the river are placed above ground level. The house has a curb roof.

Architectural and Historical Development:
The house was built as a new work in 1798 on the site of an older building. The masonry of its Rennaissance ancestor and the town walls was used for its construction (we can notice the remains of a circular construction in the cellar - probably a circular bastion). The other reconstructions around 1860 concerned mainly the elevation of the protective wall along the bank of the Vltava river. In 1923 another renovation was carried out and the attic was built in. The building was renovated later on in the 60s of this century and in 1997 a complete reconstruction of the building was done, and some previous inadequate interferences were removed.

Facade development:
No findings from the Middle Ages were discovered. On the basis of a small scale of the scraped plaster we can only assume a possibility of grafitto decoration on the facade of a ground-floor building during the Renaissance period.

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In the early-Barogue period the west facade was newly plastered in white-and-brown colour and later in white-and-grey colour. The motif of "ears" enlarged painted window shams in the corners. Around the year 1799 the ground-floor building was rebuilt and made a fundamental change in its shape. It became a large storey house with its front divided by the lizen system with the windows in band shams, and rustic-work on the ground-floor.

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Some colourful modifications were discovered: flesh-coloured-and-white hue was the oldest, then full-area spread green-coloured coats of paint. The post war colourful modification: ochre-and-white. The restoration of facade was done in 1997 in a silicate coat of paint, the Classicism articulation was used again.

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Significant Architectural Features:
In the interior there are visible remains of the older masonry - probably from the original town fortification system. The building is covered with a curb roof, which is rarely seen in the town surroundings.

Hradební no. 60

History of the House Residents:
The first documented owners of the building, situated on the site of the present house sometimes called "The Garden House on the Sand", were tanners even before the mid-16th century. The first known was a tanner Matyáš at the turn of the 1530s and 40s. From the second half of the 17th and in the 18th century gardeners settled there. In the years 1663 - 1709 it was Antonín Zweitlinger\'s, called a gardener "on sand", from 1723 it was Egid Preitschopf\'s. In 1797 the house was bought by the owner of Krumlov paper mill Josef Pachner, the knight of Eggendorf. The house was their family property to the half of the 19th century. About 1900 the building was given to the convent of nuns of St Karel Boromejský to found an orphanage, which was changed into a home for old people at the end of the 30s.

Hradební no. 60, garret roof

Present Use:
Flowers, IN Line studio

In 1996 and 1997 complete photo documentation of the outer state of the building before and after the reconstruction was made.