Ignác Spiro
(1817 - 1894) | Industrialist |
Ignác Spiro was born into
a nonwealthy Jewish family and reached his future post only through
his own diligence. When he was a child he and his brother Jakub had
to earn money to help feed the family by collecting and selling old
clothes in a paper mill. Both brothers took advantage of the
situation and founded a junkyard in Červená Řečice. Ignác later
left the junkyard to his brother Jakub and bought a paper mill in
Český Krumlov. Later he acquired Pečkovský mill and reconstructed
it into the paper mill (see Paper
Mill Jihočeské papírny, a.s., Větřní) in Větřní
which focused on the production of wrapping paper and newsprint. He
built a villa on a border of Český Krumlov for his family in 1893
(Plešivec No. 286). Ignác Spiro, together with Arnošt
Porák, is credited with the development of the region\'s
employment rate.