Fortified Settlement of Větřní
The fortified settlement of Větřní is located 4 km to the
south-west of Český Krumlov.
Origin of the Name:
The name Větřní (the German name is Wettern) was derived from the
word větřní = větrný = windy, so it is the village open to the
Description of the Place:
The fortified settlement is embodied into a school complex and its
original disposition is practically unidentifiable.
Architectural and Historical Development:
The fortified settlement is mentioned for the first time in 1347.
It was newly built in the Late Renaissance style. It had a square
plan and it existed until 1892 when it was rebuilt into a
History of the Place's Residents:
The village of Větřní
is mentioned for the first time in 1347 when it was a part of the
Český Krumlov estates. Peter I. von
Rosenberg gave Větřní to his servant Petr Višně who was the
founder of the family of Višňů z Větřní in 1347. Several members of
this family served in the Rosenbergs´ service. In the 15th century
the estates were passed over to the Chieftains from Pasovary, the
relatives of Višňů z Větřní. It remained in their ownership until
1603 when, because of their insolvency, they were forced to sell
Větřní, Kaliště and Němčí villages to Český Krumlov town. Větřní
was in the ownership of Český Krumlov until 1850.